Payment systems
The GNI@ PAYMENT HUB solution is an automated multi-module system with a specialized service bus for online and/or offline integration with necessary external systems:
- local domestic payment systems;
- international SWIFT system;
- local payment aggregators;
- instant money transfer systems.
Our solution provides unprecedented flexibility and broad options to maximize the use of functionality of all known money transfer and payment systems, as well as provides the required functionality to configure own money transfer and payment systems.
Technologically, the solution was designed on the basis of constructors and setup forms that helps the Bank easily and without technical staff assistance to configure and integrate its workflows within the system.
Advantages of the solution «GNI@ PAYMENT HUB»

Applied technologies
The front-end client side is based on Oracle Apex technology.
The platform supports two integration technologies with external systems and subsystems: SOAP and REST (basic and recommended technology).
All printing forms are created on the basis of Jasper Reports (iReport).
Oracle Weblogic or Apache Tomcat application server and Oracle 19 database server are also applied.
To increase the system security, the following was created: a user password managment mechanism, a mechanism of integration and synchronization of system users with LDAP, a data warehouse mechanism, a data integrity mechanism, logs and audit mechanisms.
gni@GNI@ PAYMENT HUB modules and subsystems
Point of sale terminal control module
The point of sale terminal control module automates tracing of terminals from the moment of their purchase to installation at points of sale.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for the bank's head office to manage terminals and settings of automated integration with necessary external systems.
System functionality enables the following single-window transactions:
terminal location records;
partnership agreement accounting;
setup of front-office software for terminal (via keyboard and touch-screen);
setting rates terminals taking into account clients and transactions;
monitoring and tracking of activities via pos-terminals;
anti-fraud protection monitoring.
By means of web integration with the “General ledger” module and with other modules and subsystems, all transactions conducted via point-of-sale terminals are automatically displayed in online accounting on a pre-set accounting model using configurable constructors.
Utility payment control module
The utility payment control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of utility payments from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of transaction at bank's branches/outlets to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
This module is designed to set up all types of utility payments by using a parametric constructor. With this system structure the bank can independently set up any configurations of utility payments without external programmers or technical staff assistance in the shortest possible time.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for the bank's head office to process the receipt and sending of utility payments.
A service bus is built in the back office interface for transaction clearing. It allows to integrate with all local aggregators for utility payments in order to exchange input/output files.
System functionality enables all types of utility payments on the single-window principle:
utility provider services;
fixed-line communications;
Internet services;
mobile communications;
other services.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured with a built-in constructor. All transactions in accounting are displayed automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
product management by type of transaction;
integration with systems of tax authorities or other state authorities of the country;
integration with aggregators for utility payments;
accounting model setup for payments to partners;
tax and deduction management;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
The utility payment control module includes payment not only via cash desk of a bank branch or outlet but also from the client’s current account as well as through external sales channels — Internet and mobile banking.
The module has a built-in mechanism for automatic creation of payment orders, which generates payment orders for pre-configured events at predetermined intervals.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
cash receipt voucher;
payment order, other forms.
International instant money transfer (IMT) control module
The international instant money transfer control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of cash transfers both domestically and abroad from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of transaction for non-cash transfers to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
This module is designed to set up all products oа international instant money transfers by using a parametric constructor. All commission income and expenses of the bank are calculated and accounted in accordance with the set values and/or calculation formulas in the constructor including the choice of the country code. Income rate can be determined by the amount transferred in the system or commission fee paid by a client.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface at the bank's head office for automated clearing and settlements with partner banks and necessary money transfer systems.
In order to avoid double data entry, the integration interface of the system is built in for online transactions with subsystems of international money transfers:
Western Union;
Zolotaya Korona (Золотая Корона);
and others;
Some systems do not allow online connections to main banking systems. In this case, the offline mode is maintained (when the payment is approved in the banking system, the same transaction should be displayed in the instant money transfer system). In the case of offline connection, double data entry is required.
The module is integrated with the SWIFT transactions module in the treasury unit to generate MT transfers for required correspondent accounts of the partners. Correspondent accounts and clearing are set up using separate constructors (settlements between incoming and outgoing payments):
MT320 (for new transactions).
The functionality of the system allows to perform all types of transactions on instant money transfers on the "single window" principle:
cash transfer transactions for instant money transfers;
cash receipt transactions for instant money transfers;
cash return transactions for instant money transfers;
control operations by regulator limits.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured with a built-in constructor. All transactions in accounting are displayed automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
creation and management of instant money transfer products;
unit for integration with international money transfer systems;
accounting model setup;
tax and deduction management for instant money transfers;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
cash receipt voucher;
cash payment voucher;
instant money transfer agreement.
Cash-by-Code intra-bank cash transfer control module
The domestic cash transfer control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of money transfers from one client to another in cash or via a current bank account within the country from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of transaction for cash transfers to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
With this unique system structure a bank can independently set up any configuration of products for domestic cash transfers using the Cash-by-Code principle without external programmers or technical staff assistance in the shortest possible time.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface to manage intra-bank cash transfers at the bank's head office.
A service bus is built in the back-office interface that enables integration with all local payment systems and external devices (local payment terminals) in order to exchange input and output files for the purpose of clearing transactions. Distribution of fees and other calculations are performed fully automatically.
The functionality of the system allows to perform all types of transactions on cash transfers on the single-window principle:
transactions between bank clients from the client's current account using the Cash-by-Code system;
transactions between bank clients in cash;
transactions between bank clients and third parties.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured with a specific built-in constructor, therefore all transactions in the accounting are affected automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
cash transfer product management;
integration with systems of tax authorities or other state authorities of the country to exercise control according to the set limits;
setup of accounting model for cash domestic transfers;
tax and deduction management for cash transfers;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
cash receipt voucher;
cash payment voucher, etc.
International non-cash SWIFT transfer control module
The international non-cash SWIFT transfer control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of money transfers between the bank’s client accounts and other contractors both domestically and abroad via SWIFT system from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of transaction for non-cash transfers to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
This module is designed to set up all products on non-cash transfers via SWIFT system by using a parametric constructor.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office for users of structural divisions of the bank's head office.
The back-office interface is integrated into the treasury unit with subsystem of SWIFT transactions in order to exchange input and output files:
The system functionality enables all types of non-cash transfers via SWIFT system on the single-window concept:
transactions on outgoing payments;
transactions on incoming payments in foreign currency;
transactions for currency offset account setup for payments to intermediary banks;
transactions for registration and processing of customs declarations for export-import operations;
settlements on leasing and trading transactions;
other transactions.
The module of the system has built-in functionality for various types of control by the regulator and/or state agencies. For example, completing client's prepayment with electronic customs declarations within 180 days.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured with a built-in constructor. All transactions in accounting are displayed automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
SWIFT transfer management;
integration with required systems of state agencies of the country;
accounting model setup via SWIFT system;
Management of taxes and deductions for international money transfers via SWIFT system;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
payment order;
customs declarations and other documents.
Non-cash domestic transfer control module
The non-cash domestic transfer control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of money transfers between domestic client accounts from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of a transaction for non-cash transfers to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
This module is designed to set up all products on non-cash domestic transfers by using a parametric constructor. With this system structure the bank can independently set up any configuration of products for intra-bank transfers without external programmers or technical staff assistance in the shortest possible time.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for the bank's head office to process the receipt and sending of domestic transfers.
A service bus is built in the back-office interface. It allows to integrate with all local payment systems and exchange input/output files for transaction clearing.
System functionality enables all types of non-cash intra-bank transfer transactions on the single-window concept:
transactions on outgoing payments in the national currency;
transactions on outgoing payments in a foreign currency;
transactions on incoming payments in the national currency;
transactions on incoming payments in a foreign currency.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured with a specific built-in constructor, therefore all transactions in the accounting are affected automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
front-office: screen forms and functionality for users of bank branches/divisions;
back-office: screen forms and functionality for users of structural divisions of the bank's head office;
integration with required systems of state agencies of the country;
setup of accounting model for non-cash domestic transfers;
tax and deduction management for domestic transfers;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
payment order and other documents.
Intra-bank non-cash transfer control module
The intra-bank non-cash transfer control module allows to fully automate the entire life cycle of money transfers within bank branches and outlets from the moment of transaction type creation, accounting setup, creation of transaction for intra-bank transfer to the moment of transaction execution in the ledger of the automated banking system.
This module is designed to set up all products on non-cash intra-bank transfers by using a parametric constructor. With this system structure the bank can independently set up any configuration of products for intra-bank transfers without programmers or technical staff assistance in the shortest possible time.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for the bank's head office to process the receipt and sending of intra-bank transfers.
System functionality enables all types of non-cash intra-bank transfer transactions on the single-window concept:
intra-bank transactions between client accounts in the national currency;
intra-bank transactions between client accounts in a foreign currency;
intra-bank transactions between client accounts with conversion of foreign currency into local one and vice versa;
transactions between client and intra-bank accounts in different currencies for various purposes, prepayment, settlements on leasing and trading transactions with subsequent control of the regulator.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured via a built-in constructor. All transactions in accounting are displayed automatically via transactional accounting of the system.
Main functional units of the module:
non-cash intra-bank transfer product management. The block includes changes to product parameters;
integration with systems of tax authorities or other state authorities of the country;
setup of accounting model for intra-bank transfers;
tax and deduction management for intra-bank transfers;
fee calculation and transaction clearing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
payment order and other documents.