Lease systems
The GNI @LEASING MANAGEMET SYSTEM solution is a comprehensive integrated modular business solution that allows leasing companies to fully customize and integrate their business processes through customizable constructors without the help of technical specialists. GNI leasing process management systems allow you to create all possible types of leasing products, including operating and financial leasing. This solution includes a number of modules and subsystems, including a module for making an automatic decision on the issuance of leasing (scoring models), as well as monitoring, collateral, appraisal of collateral, surety, structuring and restructuring, decision-making customization procedures, creation of committees, business setup - chains and procedures of electronic document management, other modules and subsystems. Our solution provides unprecedented flexibility, scalability and reliability. We have adapted the functionality of our subsystem and modules to successfully serve all clients of the organization, including individuals and legal entities. All modules in the GNI software work online in real time. Due to the unique infrastructure of the accounting system, transactions in accounting are carried out automatically from operational accounting based on a custom accounting model.
Advantages of the solution «GNI @LEASING MANAGEMET SYSTEM»

Applied technologies
The front-end part is based on Oracle Apex technology.
The platform for credit systems supports two technologies for integration with external systems and subsystems: SOAP and REST (the main and recommended technologies).
All printable forms are based on Jasper Reports (iReport).
It also uses Oracle Weblogic or Apache Tomcat application server and Oracle 18 database server.
To improve the security of the system, a mechanism for managing user passwords, a mechanism for integrating and synchronizing system users with LDAP, mechanisms for data storage, mechanisms for data integrity, logs and audit mechanisms have been created.
gni@GNI @LEASING MANAGEMET SYSTEM modules and subsystems
Subsystem for report preparation on lease transactions
The subsystem for report preparation on lease transactions allows an organization to generate various types of statements for individuals and legal entities in both transactional and analytical Oracle Business Intelligence system.
The subsystem supports the following reporting areas for all types of lease systems:
general lease portfolio;
lease portfolio by different analytical data slices;
collateral portfolio;
financial lease assets portfolio;
operational lease assets portfolio;
loan reporting and accounting in compliance with IFRS;
The reporting system includes a number of reports with many parameters and details, in the context of:
group of clients;
product groups;
types of lease (operational, financial);
the number of overdue days on principal amount;
the number of overdue days on accrued interest;
risk groups;
security share;
groups of leased assets;
other parameters.
All these reports provide a complete and accurate online picture of the organization’s situation for effective asset management and achievement of key performance indicators (KPIs).
Control module for insurance agreements under lease agreements
The insurance agreement control module allows to register insurance policies/agreements in the system based on the insurance application approved under the approval chain. The system provides automated accounting in accordance with the configured accounting model for specific insurance product by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
The functionality of the system for insurance policy/agreement management includes the following:
creation of insurance policy/agreement in accordance with the decision made;
policy repayment schedule generation;
automated opening of all required accounts depending on the selected accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
automatic generation of journal entries as per created accounts on the basis of the accounting model (including debit and credit) by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
automatic control of the availability of paid and valid insurance policies within the framework of a signed lease agreement.
The module also supports the setup of automated billing for debt repayment to partner insurance companies taking into account funds received from individuals and legal entities, as well as from individual entrepreneurs and/or their guarantors in accordance with repayment schedules and billing terms directly to the leasing company.
As part of this module, a report on organization's insurance policies/agreements is generated by different analytical data slices including:
group of clients;
departments and branches;
types and subtypes of assets;
unpaid insurance premium;
other data segments.
Thus, the system provides full control over the availability of the required insurance policies and their payment during the entire term of the lease agreement.
Control module for warehouses and financially responsible persons
The control module for warehouses and financially responsible persons allows to fully automate all processes of receipt, shipment and storage of assets in warehouses, taking into account the assignment of financially responsible persons.
A constructor is built into the system, by means of which employees of the organization can independently configure all required workflows without technical staff assistance.
The system includes the following main functional units:
procedure for creation of asset storage warehouses;
procedure for financially responsible persons assignment;
procedure for assignment and/or reassignment of financially responsible persons to asset storage warehouses;
rules and procedure for warehouse audit;
rules for entering assets into warehouse books;
rules for assets issue from warehouse;
rules for assets write-off from warehouse;
accounting model setup;
the automated generation of journal entries by means of integration with the "General ledger" module (on balance and off-balance sheet).
As part of this module, different reports by different analytical data slices are generated, including:
types and subtypes of assets;
financially responsible persons;
group of clients;
other data segments.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
receipt voucher;
payment voucher;
delivery and acceptance certificate;
other documents.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks related to management of warehouses and financially responsible persons.
Leased assets control module
The leased assets control module allows an organization to manage all processes connected with leased assets management.
Main functional units of the module:
registration of an asset in the list of lease assets;
registration of assets in lease agreement on the basis of an approved memorandum;
asset transfer to lessee;
write-off of assets, granted on financial lease;
recognition of assets as fixed assets, granted on operational lease;
restructuring of lease assets included in the operational lease agreement, in financial lease;
restructuring of lease assets included in the financial lease agreement, in operational lease;
lease assets return to the organization's balance sheet in case of non-compliance with the terms of agreement by the lessee;
inspection and monitoring of lease assets;
setup of all types and subtypes of assets using a parametric constructor. For example:
buildings and constructions;
means of transport;
agricultural equipment;
special equipment;
other types of equipment.
setup of asset maintenance accounting procedure in accordance with specifications developed by manufacturers. This unit includes the following:
schedule generation for asset maintenance in specialized service centers;
documenting of the list of services provided by service centers and maintenance staff;
documenting of the maintenance benchmarks specified in the relevant technical documentation (kilometers rate, hours of operation, etc.);
generation of penalties against the lessee for violation of asset maintenance rules with the subsequent generation of accounting entries by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
setup of the assets valuation and revaluation procedure;
writing off the value of assets based on valuation reports;
holding of an auction for assets sale;
direct assets sale;
registration of the assets on the balance as a fixed asset by means of integration with the "Fixed assets control" module;
displaying of all lease asset transactions on journal entries by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
As part of this module, a report on organization's lease assets is generated by different analytical data slices including:
group of clients;
departments and branches;
types and subtypes of assets;
risk groups of lease portfolio;
other data segments.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
assets delivery and acceptance certificate from the organization's warehouse;
a report on the evaluation of other property;
statement on revaluation of the other property recorded on the balance sheet of the organization;
assets sale certificate;
other printing forms.
Thus, the module allows to address all the tasks of an organization related to the transfer, accounting and and sale of assets, for both individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs.
Control module for payments and settlements with assets and services suppliers
The control module for supplier payments and settlements allows to fully automate the entire process of payments and settlements with suppliers of assets and services. Additionally, the module provides automated accounting in accordance with the configured accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
Within the framework of this module, the system provides the following functionality:
supplier payment schedule generation based on the terms of agreements with suppliers;
supplier payment management using different sources of cash (current accounts, full and/or partial payment in cash, etc.);
automatic generation of payment orders in the system;
automated creation of payment orders via web and/or mobile banking of partner banks by using GNI@ DATA EXCHANGE OPEN API;
writing off of a part of supplier's debt;
settlement payments between different agreements of the same supplier;
set-off of advance payments and debts on received assets and services in the context of receipt documents;
set-off of advance payments and debts on received assets and services in the context of agreements;
set-off of advance payments and debts on received assets and services in the context of suppliers;
automatic calculation of exchange rate differences when paying debts in different currencies;
automatic display of all payment and settlement transactions in accounting records by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
other transactions;
The functionality of the system allows to generate all required reports within the framework of this module by different analytical data slices including:
payments received;
planned payments;
payment due dates;
payment currency;
receiving bank;
other analytical data slices.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks related to management of payments and settlements with suppliers of assets and services.
Assets and services prime cost control module
The assets and services prime cost control module allows the organization to setup the costing module, rules of write-off and allocation of additional and indirect costs, services for assets value increase for their subsequent granting on lease to both individuals and legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs. By means of web integration with the “General ledger” module using a configurable accounting constructor, the system automatically records all required entries, namely:
accounting assets on the balance sheet at initial cost from the supplier;
assets cost increases due to additional expenses and fees (customs duties, delivery services, assembling and others);
attrition of assets;
write-off of services for assets cost increase;
cost write-off of the assets granted on financial lease;
receipt of assets granted on operational lease as fixed assets;
assets cost adjustment taking into account returns to suppliers;
other transactions;
Also, the system provides a constructor for setup of additional cost allocation model to organization's assets value in the context of various methods and allocation bases by:
other configurable parameters.
By means of a special constructor, the functionality of the system allows to configure and take into account the prime cost structure of all organization's assets, as well as to generate all required reports for each item as of any balance sheet date:
initial cost;
delivery services;
custom duties and fees;
assembling services;
other types.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks related to assets and services cost management in accordance with any requirements of the organization and applicable law.
Items list control module
The items list control module allows an organization to create an item list of all assets and services that should be accepted and entered into the balance sheet in accordance with the terms of supply agreement. Within the framework of this module, the system provides the following functionality:
generating of items groups — assets and services (the functionality of the system allows to create a tree of items categories without limiting the number of groups and subgroups);
setup of rules on items card fill-in (the system allows the organization’s employees to determine the minimum number of required fields for each individual items group to create an item card in the system);
setup of commodity accounting groups (using configurable constructor, the functionality of the system allows the organization’s employees to set up all ledgers including display in tax accounting);
creation of an items card with a minimum set of details in the context of the following:
name and details. Working name and name of the printing forms are included. Within this unit, unique accounting codes within the system (articles) and bar codes are specified. The system supports an unlimited number of bar codes for the same items card;
description and graphic data. The system supports the description of the items with the option to attach an unlimited amount of graphic data on various types of data (certificates of origin, specifications, etc.). All data types are configured by means of a specific constructor;
production and brand. The manufacturers of the items and brands are specified;
items characteristics. The qualitative characteristics of the items are specified in accordance with a configurable template of characteristics (for example, color, dimensions, engine size, year of manufacture, etc.);
units and storage conditions. Units are specified (for example, packaging, containers, weight, volume and others). Storage units are specified (for example, pieces, packages);
taxes and fees. Tax rates, including VAT, are specified. Different types of accounting are specified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, for example, accounting by the number of customs declarations and their coding in accordance with the Customs Code of the country. Certificate accounting attributes are also specified in the system with the possibility to create various types of certificates;
accounting parameters. The group of product commodity accounting is specified and configured by using a specific accounting constructor. The accounting rules are also specified in this section (for example, series, seasonality and other parameters are considered) or the quality of the goods (new, used, etc.);
supplier prices. All price lists of both suppliers and organization are specified for the entire history of the items;
other sections of data that are created by employees of the organization using constructors and are assigned within the system for a specific group of goods;
setup of accounting rules in the places of items storage. The system allows to setup accounting rules at warehouses including the rules for receipt and issue/write-off of items, assignment of financially responsible persons and other actions;
other functionalities.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks of the leasing company related to assets (items) list, which are purchased for subsequent transfer to financial and/or operational lease, both for individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs.
Procurement control module
The assets and services procurement control module allows to manage all procurement processes using configurable constructors without technical staff assistance.
The system allows to configure different business models of asset and service supply management, including the following operations:
local purchases; The system supports different receipt models using a configurable document management chain with subsequent display in both stock and financial accounting. For example, “Invoice” — “Fiscal invoice” — “Accounting on the warehouse books”;
import purchases; The system supports a configurable document management chain with the display of statuses on customs declarations, goods in transit and generating of the necessary documents within the system with subsequent display in both stock and financial accounting. For example, “Invoice” — “Customs declaration” — “Goods receipt voucher”;
receipt adjustment; The system allows to process the receipt of goods and services upon the actual receipt, which makes it possible to take into account discrepancies of item receipts with subsequent display in both stock and financial accounting;
return to the supplier; The system fully processes the possibility of item return to the supplier in accordance with a preconfigured return model. In this case, the system displays the required changes in both stock and financial accounting;
taxes and tax documents; On the basis of the preconfigured tax model, the supplier’s tax base, supply transactions (for example, local supply or import), the system automatically performs accounting and display of the tax liabilities of the leasing company with the display of the required transactions in financial accounting by means of integration with the "General ledger" module. Additionally, the system allows to generate input fiscal documents with display of the relevant details for the automatic calculation of the amount of liabilities for the reporting period;
discrepancies; The system supports all possible scenarios regarding discrepancies between the items actually received and receipt documents, namely: to postpone the order document until the assets/services are fully received or to close the generation of the relevant documents in the system (discrepancy report);
reconciliations and offsets; The functionality of the system supports the ability to conduct offsets and reconciliations between different supplies of assets and services, different agreements, with subsequent automated generating of the necessary entries in financial accounting by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
other transactions related to the receipt of assets and services on the balance sheet of the organization;
This module is closely integrated with other modules and subsystems. Data within the framework of the configurable document management chain of the system are filled in automatically. For example, the supplier’s data are entered from his/her data sheet, the supply terms are entered from the supply agreement, items for receipt — from the supplier’s order, etc. Thus, there is no need for additional actions on the part of the organization’s employees, and the system excludes double data entry.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
supplier reconciliation statement;
discrepancy report;
receipt voucher;
payment voucher;
other documents.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks, related to assets and services receipt management, regardless of the supply terms, the tax base of the supplier, his/her organizational form and other parameters.
Supplier agreement registration and control module
The supplier agreement registration and control module provides registration of agreements in the system using a pre-configured internal procedure for the approval of such agreements within the leasing company. Additionally, the system allows to change the terms of current supply agreements and/or to register several active agreements with different working conditions. The system provides automated accounting in accordance with the preconfigured accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
The functionality of the system for agreement management includes the following:
creation of supply agreement in accordance with the decision made, specifying all the required data, namely:
subject of the agreement and its annexes;
bank details;
terms of supply;
terms of payment;
graphic data (scanned copies of agreements and other configurable types);
other information;
payment schedule generation (dates and amounts of payments, events and due dates of payment, penalty interest, final payment, other values in accordance with the terms of the supply agreement);
procedure for changing current supply agreements (change of the terms of items supply, payment, other conditions in accordance with the signed supplementary agreement);
registration of an unlimited number of active supply agreements with one supplier (the system supports work with a supplier under several active agreements);
automatic opening of all required balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts for each transaction under the agreement by means of integration with the "General ledger" module:
advance payment;
supplier debt incurrence;
accounting goods and services on the balance sheet;
early and standard payments under the agreement;
charge penalties;
payment of penalty interest;
tax liabilities;
other transactions;
automated generation of journal entries for created accounts based on the accounting model, including tax liability commencement by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
automatic procedure of supply agreement extension if there is a corresponding condition in the agreement;
other transactions.
Thus, the module allows to address all the tasks, related to asset and service supply agreement management.
Centralized module for leased assets suppliers control
The centralized module for suppliers control allows the leasing company to manage all types of suppliers, namely, individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities on the single-window concept.
Upon the creation of a supplier data sheet, supplier types are necessarily assigned in accordance with the type breakdown matrix based on the requirements of the management team. For example, resident — legal entity — supplier of equipment. The system does not have any restrictions by the number of created types and values in these types.
Based on the types of suppliers, an accounting model is determined by the transaction type by means of integration with the "General ledger" module. As a result, the system automatically selects the required accounts from the setup matrix. Thus, the human factor is completely eliminated at the time of transactions, and the data in analytical accounting always matches the data in synthetic accounting, without manual involvement.
The system controls the minimal filling with the necessary information using configurable constructors with subsequent use in other modules, including modules for preparation of management reporting:
sector of economy;
registration information;
authorized persons;
bank details;
contact information;
other data.
The module provides a front office for branches and outlets, as well as a back-office interface for centralized supplier management.
Main functional units of the module:
supplier management, including editing of existing supplier data sheets;
creation of an internal supplier stop-list (blacklist);
registration and management of supplier profiles;
documents and graphic data attachment;
procedure for checking the availability of documents, validity of documents and data in the supplier's data sheet.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
supplier profile and other documents.
Lease asset security and collateral control module
The lease asset security and collateral control module helps a leasing company to setup and manage security policy both for individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs, on the single-window principle.
The security and collateral management system supports all security types, specifying a detailed structured description for each collateral:
real estate;
transport (ships, special or military vehicles, cars, etc.);
letters of guarantee;
animals (cattle, small ruminants, etc.);
other types of security.
The entire accounting model under this module is configured via a specific built-in constructor. In such a way, all transactions in the accounting are displayed automatically by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
The module provides a front office and a back-office interface to process transactions related to securities and collateral.
Main functional units of the module:
setup of security policy of the leasing company for each product includes a list of the following key parameters:
collateral structure (minimum/maximum value);
client segment;
product segment;
discount factor for collateral value;
market value;
salvage value;
documents confirming the ownership of collateral;
other parameters for each individual type of security;
setup of accounting model for each type of security (off-balance sheet accounts);
restructuring of collateral in off-balance sheet;
transfer of collateral from one lease asset to another;
evaluation and revaluation of collateral;
security and collateral monitoring;
collateral portfolio management.
Within this module a collateral and security report is generated taking into account various analytical data slices including:
group of clients;
departments and branches;
types of security and collateral;
risk groups of lease portfolio;
other data segments.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
collateral agreement;
guarantee agreement;
collateral monitoring schedule and other printing forms.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks related to security and collateral management for all groups of organization's clients.
Bad lease assets control module
The bad lease assets control module allows the organization to create unique opportunities to fully automate workflows without programmers or technical staff assistance for each credit product or group of products, for both individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs, by using parametric constructors.
The module provides a front office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for the head office of the leasing company to confirm transactions.
The functionality of the bad lease assets control system includes various units and subsystems:
procedure for full and/or partial write-off of bad debt (principal amount, interest accrued);
automatic generation of journal entries for created accounts on the basis of the accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
procedure for full and/or partial recovery of bad debt (principal amount, interest accrued);
approval procedure for bad debt write-off (setup of the write-off approval chain) taking into account:
product groups;
group of clients.
As part of this module, a report on written-off bad debts is generated by different analytical data slices including:
group of clients;
debt periods;
leased groups of assets;
other data segments.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks of the leasing company related to bad leased assets management within the system, both for individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs.
Bad assets management module under leasing agreements
The bad debt control module allows an organization to create unique opportunities for setting workflows without programmers or technical staff assistance for each lease product or group of products, for both individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs, by using parametric constructors.
The module provides a front office for branches and outlets, as well as a back-office interface for configuring steps to manage bad debt and integrate with external systems (call center and others).
The functionality of the bad debt control system includes various units and subsystems:
determination of client groups;
determination of products;
generating of a bad lease assets portfolio;
creation of different scenarios for bad lease assets handling;
determination of bad debt department steps according to different scenarios;
grouping of steps according to various logical attributes;
determination of rules for transition between scenarios;
determination of rules for transition between steps;
determination of managers/employees of the leasing company and assigning them to perform particular steps;
creation of a planned schedule for completing steps related to the bad lease assets portfolio;
analysis of the actual implementation of steps with planned values and reasons indicated;
creation of a list of reasons and results of actions of managers of the department for managing bad lease assets.
As part of this module, a report on written-off bad lease assets is generated by different analytical data slices including:
risk groups;
group of clients;
completed steps;
uncompleted steps;
leased groups of assets;
reasons for not completing steps;
other data segments.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks of the leasing company related to bad leased assets management and processing of the results of such management, both for individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs.
Reserves management module for leasing agreements
Модуль управления резервами по лизинговым договорам позволяет полностью автоматизировать все процессы, связанные с формированием и восстановлением резервов с их последующим отображением в бухгалтерских проводках, как для физических и юридических лиц, так и для индивидуальных предпринимателей посредством интеграции с модулем «Главная бухгалтерская книга».
Этот модуль предполагает настройку бизнес-процесса начисления резервов на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков (РППУ) с помощью параметрического конструктора. Благодаря такой структуре системы лизинговая компания может без помощи программистов или технических специалистов самостоятельно управлять процессами по начислению резервов и тем самым быстро реагировать на состояние дел в организации и/или на требования со стороны регулятора.
Все типы операций по начислению резервов полностью интегрированы в различные модули системы, в том числе в модуль управления лизинговыми договорами, модуль «Главная бухгалтерская книга», как результат, система обеспечивает все автоматические расчеты и бухгалтерский учет без какого-либо ручного вмешательства со стороны сотрудников лизинговой компании.
В рамках модуля предоставляется фронт-офис для филиалов и отделений, а также интерфейс бэк-офиса для обработки начисления и/или восстановления резервов.
Этот модуль предполагает настройку любых классификаций типов резервов по двум блокам:
- общий резерв на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков — основной долг (основной долг без просрочки);
- специальный резерв на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков — основной долг (просроченный основной долг);
- общий резерв на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков — процентный долг;
- специальный резерв на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков — процентный долг (включая штрафные проценты и пени).
Функционал системы по управлению резервами включает различные блоки и подсистемы:
- классификация лизинговых договоров для начисления резервов в разрезе каждого из 2 блоков (специальный, общий резерв) по разным сегментам:
- группа клиентов;
- группа продуктов;
- лизинговые продукты;
- валюта;
- количество просроченных дней (ОД и/или проценты);
- риск-скоринг (регулируется отдельным модулем по управлению рисками);
- другие параметры сегментации лизингового портфеля;
- назначение процентов для начисления резервов по каждому виду классификации резервов (нормальный, удовлетворительный, под наблюдением, сомнительный, потери/списание и др.);
- автоматический расчет сумм резервов по следующим трем типам:
- только для основного долга;
- только для процентов;
- для основного долга и процентов;
- создание бухгалтерских проводок в автоматическом режиме по рассчитанным резервам посредством интеграции с модулем «Главная бухгалтерская книга»;
- процедура изменения классификации лизинговых договоров с последующим отображением в бухгалтерском учете посредством интеграции с модулем «Главная бухгалтерская книга»;
- процедура изменения значений по расчету резервов с последующим отображением в бухгалтерском учете посредством интеграции с модулем «Главная бухгалтерская книга».
Дополнительно при расчете резервов функционал системы позволяет учитывать стоимость обеспечения по лизинговым договорам.
В рамках этого модуля формируется отчет о начисленных резервах по различным срезам аналитических данных, в том числе по:
- группам риска;
- отделам;
- филиалам;
- продуктам;
- группам клиентов;
- срокам;
- переданным в лизинг группам активов;
- другим сегментам данных
Control module for client financial condition and leased assets monitoring
The monitoring module allows to fully automate the entire process of monitoring of all types of lease agreements and leased assets for individuals, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs.
The functionality of the system supports:
scheduled monitoring (as per schedule);
unscheduled monitoring.
The system also allows to create and store two or more monitoring schedules for each lease agreement.
The system supports a built-in constructor with which a leasing organization can independently manage all processes connected with lease agreement monitoring creating various templates for monitoring schedules and assigning them to different client groups, product groups, products, without technical staff assistance.
The functionality of the monitoring system includes various units and subsystems:
registration of planned schedules and unscheduled checks of clients and/or guarantors;
determination of monitoring frequency;
determination of monitoring types (enterprise visits, data request, financial statements request, cross-checks from publicly available resources). All types of monitoring can be determined within the schedule and performed by the employees of the leasing company in parallel;
registration of monitoring results in a structured format including the results of financial analysis:
balance sheet for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
profit and loss statement — PLS;
cash flow statement — CFS;
assignment of a method for selection of a monitoring specialist (randomly, to monitor regions, to monitor groups of clients, etc.);
transfer of a client from one risk group to another based on monitoring results in order to accrue/adjust provision using the provision management module for lease agreements.
As part of this module, a report on financing monitoring is generated with different analytical data slices including:
group of clients;
leased assets;
other data segments.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
monitoring protocol, other printing forms.
In such a way, the module allows to address all the tasks of a leasing company related to financial condition and leased assets monitoring of the lessee with subsequent processing of the results of such monitoring in the system, both for individuals, legal entities, and for individual entrepreneurs.
Lease repayment control module
The lease repayment control module allows to fully automate the entire process of repayment for legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs, and to perform automated accounting in accordance with the configured accounting model for a specific product by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
The functionality of the system supports both manual repayment and automatic repayment of client debt under lease agreements.
Within the framework of the system, a constructor is built in, by means of which a leasing company can independently determine the priority of automatic repayment of client debt, for example, for financial lease:
first priority — overdue fines and penalties;
second priority — overdue accrued interest;
third priority — overdue principal amount;
fourth priority — current accrued interest;
fifth priority — current principal amount.
The module also supports manual repayment of debt under lease agreements with various arrangements:
individual credit rate;
redistribution of the payment amount within other repayment logic (first the principal amount, then the interest, then the overdue interest, etc.);
individual write-off on the basis of a judicial decision, etc.
This module is closely integrated with other modules of GNI Software subsystems and external systems, including payment terminals and various types of aggregators of payment systems. The system takes into account various sales channels for the preparation of analytical reports:
branches and outlets;
online sales;
mobile apps;
payment terminal and other terminals.
The functionality of the system for lease repayment (billing) control includes various units and subsystems:
type of transaction (payment of initial payment, repayment, debt closing);
client with all details (integration with customer relationship management module);
lease agreement with all details (amount of debt as per penalty interest, accrued interest, principal amount and other data);
automatic generation of entries as per created accounts on the basis of the accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
letter confirming the debt closure;
other printing forms.
Lease agreement control module
The lease agreement control module allows registration of lease agreements in the system based on the lease memorandum approved under the approval chain, and performs automated accounting in accordance with the configured accounting model for a specific product by means of integration with the "General ledger" module.
The functionality of the system for lease agreements control includes the following:
creation of a lease agreement (or several agreements using group financing) in accordance with the decision made in the leasing company;
repayment schedule generation on lease agreement (principal amount of loan, interest accrued, payment, other values in accordance with the product terms);
generation of a repayment schedule for all insurance agreements related to the granting of assets on lease;
generation of a monitoring schedule on the lease agreement;
automatic opening of all required balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts for each transaction by means of integration with the "General ledger" module (accounts are opened for a specific client/agreement or as separate general balance sheet accounts, depending on the selected accounting model):
granting of assets on lease;
beginning of overdue;
early and standard repayments;
change of risk/reserves group;
write-off of interest and/or principal amount;
suspension and resumption of interest and/or penalty interest accrual,
other transactions;
by means of integration with the "General ledger" module — the automated generation of journal entries on created accounts based on the accounting model (including debit and credit);
registration of a lease agreement and/or security agreements within the framework of an approved memorandum (collateral agreement, guarantee agreement with automated opening of all required off-balance sheet accounts and entries).
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
leasing agreement;
repayment schedule;
collateral agreement;
schedule of client financial condition and assets monitoring;
other printing forms.
The module also supports setup of automated billing for repayment of lease liabilities by the client via all possible cash flow channels in compliance with repayment schedules and billing terms.
Lease agreement restructuring control module
The lease agreement restructuring control module allows to change the terms of lease agreements within the system based on the lease memorandum approved under approval chain, and to perform automated accounting in accordance with the configured accounting model for a specific product.
The functionality of the system supports the following types of restructuring:
restructuring with interest/penalty interest freezing (payment at the end of the term upon the occurrence of certain events);
restructuring with write-off of accrued interest and/or penalty interest;
conversion of the lease agreement from one currency into another at a special rate;
prolongation of all types of lease agreements;
generation of special schedules on a lease agreement (payment of interest only, seasonal payment of principal amount and interest, repayment of principal amount during certain periods of seasonality, many other options);
capitalization of accrued interest;
other types of restructuring.
The restructuring functionality includes the following:
generation of a new schedule for lease agreement repayment in accordance with the terms of the restructuring;
generation of an updated schedule for monitoring of client's financial condition and leased assets;
automatic generation of journal entries for created accounts on the basis of the accounting model by means of integration with the "General ledger" module;
registration of security agreements within the framework of the approved memorandum (collateral agreements, guarantee agreements);
registration of insurance agreements within the framework of the approved memorandum (property insurance, other types of insurance).
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
lease agreement (supplementary agreement);
new repayment schedule;
new collateral agreement;
schedule for monitoring of client's financial condition and leased assets;
other printing forms.
As a result, the system provides all necessary tools for changing of current conditions of lease agreements for legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs, both in automatic mode according to a set scenario and in manual mode by an employee of the leasing company.
Control module for committees and workflows on lease application approval
Based on the built-in constructors, the control module for committees and workflows on lease application approval provides unprecedented opportunities to independently create and manage all types of committees, from one committee member to an unlimited number of committees with different structures and powers of committee members, without programmers assistance, on a common interface principle, in accordance with the requirements of the leasing company.
The system constructor provides broad options to setup all committees with the following basic parameters:
setting the committee level (level 1, level 2, etc.);
appointment/election of a committee in the structural division (throughout the organization, in a particular branch or division, etc.);
setting the types of voting for each specific committee (decision-making by a majority of votes, unanimous decision, majority of votes with percentage ratio);
setting the values of majority of votes in the form of a percentage ratio for decision-making;
setting the status of committee members (with or without a chairman);
number of committee members;
minimum number of committee members to make a decision;
other parameters.
The functionality allows to assign and/or reassign committee members and their chairmen within the system by means of integration with the human resources control module of the leasing company.
After committees and their structure are formed, another constructor functions within the module, which provides setup of the workflows for the approval of memoranda both for individuals, and for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Main parameters of the setup constructor for workflow approval:
segmentation of product groups (financial, operational lease);
product (a particular product by which individual approval rules are configured);
assignment of lease application approval chain to a structural division (entire organization, a particular branch or division, etc.);
initial amount and currency of consideration (the minimum threshold amount for consideration by a committee);
final limit (maximum amount confirmed by a particular committee);
granting terms (standard, non-standard);
sequence principle (confirmation is final or another level of approval is required);
committee approving this product;
product approval sequence;
purpose of decision (granting of financing / restructuring);
other parameters.
In such a way, a multidimensional model is created in the system based on the built-in constructor in order to setup any workflow for lease application approval without technical staff assistance, which provides online voting for all required committee members according to the approved memoranda.
Additionally, the module includes functionality for tracking the flow of committees to ensure maximum decision-making speed within the structural divisions of the leasing company and to improve the quality of client servicing.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
voting protocol and other documents.
As a result, the functionality of the system fully meets all the needs of the leasing company in setting up a workflow for approval of lease applications/memoranda for all types of clients.
Application and lease memorandum control module for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
The application and lease memorandum control module for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs allows to fully automate the entire process of lease memorandum submitting, processing, initial approval, transfer of the memorandum to the committee for final decision and subsequent transfer of fully approved memoranda into the lease agreement management system for granting of all types of lease to corporate clients:
financial lease;
operational lease.
The module supports leasing of assets for all possible business projects of potential corporate clients:
construction and complex infrastructure projects;
launch of start up projects;
development of current client business;
agricultural projects (farmers – equipment, animals, machinery).
Powered by a built-in constructor, the system allows an organization to independently manage the lease memorandum form (application) for corporate clients based on a built-in constructor:
to determine required and optional entry fields;
to determine interconnection of entry fields depending on different values;
to create and independently edit data drop-down lists.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for integration with the automated banking system of an organization and for integration with external software packages.
state services for data provision about clients, guarantors, owners of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
state services for data provision about incomes of shareholders/founders (tax office, social insurance fund, etc.);
services for credit bureau data provision both about legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, and about shareholders, guarantors;
services providing state extracts on movable and immovable property;
other services.
The lease memorandum to corporate clients is closely integrated with the Customer relationship management module (CRM). As a result, all required data of corporate clients are automatically entered into the memorandum from the client’s data sheet.
In addition, the system provides a number of control procedures at the time of preparation of assets lease memorandum to corporate clients:
control over the general limit of the financial organization (no more than the agreed amount under other lease memoranda/no more than a certain amount from the capital of the financial organization, etc.);
control of a valid director's ID available in the system;
control of persons associated with the financial organization;
availability of all required attached documents and graphic data.
The system checks all possible relationships of the potential client int terms of participation in other lease agreements as a debtor, guarantor, related party and other checks.
The following sections are included in the lease memorandum for corporate clients:
financing conditions (term, currency, amount, rate, grace days and other parameters that are set in the product constructor);
client profile (general information about the client, contact information, management, founders, related companies);
market analysis (market share of a potential client, major competitors, major suppliers, strengths and weaknesses of the business, advantages of manufactured goods and services, business seasonality, environmental and social impact, other data as requested by the organization);
project analysis (type of financing, project stages, total amount of the project, interest of financing on the part of founders and organization, experience in this project and other information);
purpose of financing;
financial analysis is one of the key units in the credit memorandum on the basis of which the leasing company makes a decision. This unit includes subsystems:
client's balance sheet. The functionality of the system supports a built-in constructor for an organization’s specialist to independently create client balance sheets for an unlimited number of dates based on data provided by the client. The functionality of the system also provides a unique opportunity for a specialist of a leasing company to independently create balance sheets items without any restriction for legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs within the specified sections (current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, capital). In such a way, it is possible to analyze balance sheets of legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs as per different dates according to their internal details, taking into account general accounting principles. The system enables to automatically upload a balance sheet from Excel according to the set template;
profit and loss statement — PLS. The functionality of the system supports a built-in constructor, on the basis of which an organization’s specialist can independently create client's profit and loss statements for an unlimited number of periods based on data provided by the client. The functionality of the system also provides a unique opportunity for a specialist of the leasing company to independently create PLS items without any restriction for legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs within the specified sections (incomes, expenses). In such a way, it is possible to analyze PLS of legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs as per different periods according to their internal detailing, taking into account general accounting principles. The system provides the ability to automatically upload the PLS from Excel according to the set template;
cash flow statement — CFS. The functionality of the system supports a built-in constructor, on the basis of which an organization’s specialist can independently create client's cash flow statements for an unlimited number of periods based on data provided by the client. The functionality of the system also provides a unique opportunity for a specialist of the leasing company to independently create CFS items without any restriction for legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs within the specified sections (Cash Flow from Operations, Cash Flow from Investments, Cash Flow from Financial Activities, Cash at Beginning of Period, Cash at End of Period). In such a way, it is possible to analyze CFS of legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs in different periods, taking into account general accounting principles, based on internal details. The system provides the ability to automatically upload the PLS from Excel according to the set template;
profit and loss statement (PLS), projection. The functionality of the system supports a built-in constructor with which an organization’s specialist can independently create projections of client's profit and loss statements for an unlimited number of periods. The functionality of the system also provides a unique opportunity for a specialist of the leasing company to create items of the projected PLS independently or automatically based on the actual data in PLS by using a certain ratio for further manual data adjustment within the specified sections (incomes, expenses). In addition, it is possible to automatically upload the projected PLS from Excel according to the set template;
cash flow statement (CFS), projection. The functionality of the system supports a built-in constructor with which an organization’s specialist can independently create projections of client's cash flow statements for an unlimited number of periods. The functionality of the system also provides a unique opportunity for a specialist of the leasing company to create items of the projected CFS independently or automatically based on actual data in CFS by using a certain ratio for further manual data adjustment within the specified sections (Cash Flow from Operations, Cash Flow from Investments, Cash Flow from Financial Activities, Cash at Beginning of Period, Cash at End of Period). In addition, it is possible to automatically upload the projected CFS from Excel according to a set template;
cross-check. The functionality of the system includes a cross-checking mechanism and an analysis mechanism by minimum financial indicators set in credit constructors regarding particular products. For example, the system automatically checks the comparison of net profit in PLS for the period and the differences in retained earnings in the client’s balance sheet. Based on the client's financial statements, the system also performs calculations of various ratios (pre-configured in credit constructors) and provides a comparative analysis with the minimum indicators in products);
client's credit history. The functionality of the system supports downloading of the credit history from credit bureaus not only with respect to the client, but also with respect to founders, guarantors and other related parties. This allows to perform a comprehensive financial analysis of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in terms of possible risks for the leasing company;
current account turnovers. The functionality of the system allows the analysis of bank statements and turnovers on current accounts of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for different periods. This information is an additional verification mechanism of the entire financial statements of the client;
security – collaterals. The functionality of the system allows to register various types of security within the framework of the lease memorandum in accordance with the minimum values in the constructors of the lease product. The system also provides accounting of additional assets as collateral, other than the list of assets provided to the client under lease agreements. The system supports security accounting and registration by variety of parameters (location, area, arrangement, condition, cost/evaluation and others) of various security types and their cover ratio:
real estate;
securities/shares of the company;
other collateral;
security assessment. The functionality of the system supports the application of various methods of security appraisal including reports from organizations specially licensed and accredited by the leasing company;
documents and graphic data. The system’s functionality controls the minimum package of documents for each product and ensures the storage of electronic document flow of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the framework of the lease memorandum. This unit includes not only client documents confirming the fact of his/her registration with the respective state agencies, and other statutory documents, but also scanned copies of documents confirming the identity of company shareholders, or registration documents of company shareholders, documents confirming the identity of guarantors, or registration documents of guarantors. The system does not have any restrictions on the number of documents included in the framework of the memorandum;
monitoring regulations. The functionality of the system provides the ability to change the minimum conditions of financial monitoring preconfigured in the constructor within the framework of the lease memorandum. According to the decision of the respective persons and/or authorities, the financial monitoring arrangement, monitoring frequency, list of requested information, etc. can be changed. In such a way, the system provides flexibility in this regard in order to minimize the risks of the leasing company in making certain decisions;
lease memorandum approval procedure. The system’s functionality is deeply integrated into the control module for committees and workflows on application and memorandum approval that enables directing of all employees of the leasing company along the preconfigured decision-making chain;
leased assets. The functionality of the system includes the ability to grant all assets on the balance sheet of the organization both in financial and operational lease. This subsystem is also closely integrated with the “Security — collaterals” subsystem. Therefore, the interconnection of the assets granted on lease is automatically generated with the security module for different types:
buildings and constructions;
additional services and liabilities of the lessee (GPS navigation services, liabilities for the mandatory maintenance of equipment in the corresponding service centers, etc.);
insurance. Within the framework of this subsystem, separate insurance schedules are prepared throughout the entire life cycle of the lease agreement in terms of different insurance products:
insurance of leased property;
other types of insurance within the terms of the product set in the constructor.
Main functional units of the module:
creation and registration of lease memoranda;
procedure before filling in the lease memorandum. The system allows to postpone the preparation of a memorandum for a certain period;
procedure of sending of the lease memorandum for approval/confirmation;
procedure for an automated financial analysis of a client;
procedure for creating preliminary schedules for lease products and insurance products;
procedure for client data compliance with the terms of selected product.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
application for receiving assets on lease;
credit memorandum form / client profile;
consent to the processing of personal data;
consent to the queries to various data sources, including a query to credit bureaus;
other documents.
This module is used not only for the initial granting of assets on lease to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, but also for repeat granting. The module is also used for filling-in and creating of consultation sheets, on the basis of which lease memoranda can be created. Additionally, the functionality of this module allows to restructure the already issued lease agreements with follow-up approval of such memorandum under the pre-configured decision-making chain.
As a result, the functionality of the system fully meets all the needs of a financial organization in leasing assets to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in terms of creation of a lease memorandum and sending it to the approval process.
Application and lease memorandum control module for individuals
The application and lease memorandum control module for individuals allows to fully automate the entire process of lease memorandum submitting, processing, initial approval, transfer of the memorandum to the committee for final decision and subsequent transfer of fully approved memoranda into the lease agreements management system for granting of all types of lease to individuals:
financial lease;
operational lease.
Powered by a built-in constructor, the system allows the organization to independently manage the lease memorandum form (application) for individuals based on a built-in constructor:
to determine required and optional entry fields;
to determine interconnection of entry fields with different values;
to create and independently edit data drop-down lists.
The module provides a front-office for branches and outlets and a back-office interface for integration with the automated banking system of an organization and for integration with external software packages.
state services for personal data provision about clients, guarantors;
state services for data provision about client incomes (tax office, social insurance fund, etc.);
services for data provision from credit bureaus;
services providing state extracts on movable and immovable property;
systems for borrower scoring point calculation;
other services.
The credit memorandum on individuals financing is closely integrated with the Customer relationship management module (CRM) and other required systems. As a result, all required personal data about a client are automatically entered into the memorandum from the client’s data sheet.
In addition, the system provides a number of control procedures at the time of preparation of assets lease memorandum to individuals:
control of a valid ID available in the system;
availability of all required attached documents and graphic data;
availability of client's biometric data, etc.;
availability of an asset on the balance sheet of the organization for its lease.
The system checks all possible relationships of the potential borrower in terms of participation in other lease agreements as a debtor, guarantor, related party and other checks.
The following sections are included in the lease memorandum for individuals:
product and financing terms (lease type, term, currency, amount, rate and other parameters that are set in the product constructor);
client profile, which contains the following main subsections:
personal information about the client (full name, date of birth, number of the identity document, date of issue of the document, etc.);
contact information (work phone, home phone, mobile phone, contact persons);
source, income of the client and his/her family (job, private business and other sources of income, amount earned from different sources of income);
expenses of the client and his/her family (monthly expenses with breakdown by different types: food, accommodation, etc.);
social analysis (configurable questionnaires to calculate scoring points and to make automatic decisions);
purpose of financing;
financial analysis (automatic calculation of various ratios, comparison of calculated values with the basic values set in constructors);
security (real estate, transport, guarantor/co-borrower, other collateral);
documents and graphic data (scanned copies of identity documents, client photos, other documents required in accordance with constructor);
client biometrics (fingerprint – Touch ID, Face ID);
client's credit history;
monitoring regulations;
memorandum approval procedure (the functionality of the system is deeply integrated into the control module for committees and workflows on application and memorandum approval, so that the system directs all employees of the organization along the preconfigured decision-making chain);
leased assets (equipment, machinery, animals, other assets);
additional services and liabilities of the lessee (GPS navigation services, liabilities for the mandatory maintenance of equipment in the corresponding service centers, etc.);
insurance. Within the framework of this subsystem, separate insurance schedules are prepared throughout the entire life cycle of the lease agreement in terms of different insurance products:
life insurance;
insurance of the leased property;
job loss insurance;
other types of insurance within the terms of the product set in the constructor.
Main functional units of the module:
creation and registration of lease memoranda;
procedure before filling in the memorandum. The system allows to postpone the preparation of a memorandum for a certain period;
procedure of sending of the lease memorandum for approval/confirmation;
procedure for an automated financial analysis of a client;
procedure for creating preliminary schedules for lease products and insurance products;
procedure for client data compliance with the terms of selected product.
This module enables setup and automated generation of required printing forms:
application for receiving assets on lease;
lease memorandum form / client profile;
consent to the processing of personal data;
consent to the queries to various data sources, including a query to credit bureaus;
other documents.
This module is used not only for the initial lease of assets to individuals, but also for repeat lease, as well as for filling-in and creating of consultation sheets, on the basis of which lease memoranda can be created.
Additionally, the functionality of this module allows to restructure the already issued lease agreements with follow-up approval of such memorandum under the pre-configured decision-making chain.
As a result, the functionality of the system fully meets all the needs of a financial organization in leasing assets to individuals in terms of the creation of a lease memorandum and forwarding it to the approval process.
Centralized lease product control module
The centralized lease product control module provides broad opportunities to create and manage all types of lease products on the single-window concept, including:
financial lease;
operational lease.
The module provides a front-office for the centralized product management and a back-office interface for integration with the automated banking system of an organization and for integration with other external software packages.
In addition to creating products, our solution allows an organization to configure an accounting model (all accounting) and financial policy based on built-in constructors independently, without programmers assistance:
setup of accounting model by products (linking all necessary accounts to a product, including balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts);
setup of compliance of lease products and financing terms based on the constructor by all subtypes (operational, financial);
determination of events subjected to accounting transactions for each product. For example, interest accrual, penalty interest accrual, principal overdue, accrued interest overdue, write-off on off-balance, recovery from off-balance, restructuring (write-off, prolongation, conversion from one currency to another at a special rate) and many other events).
In addition, the functionality of the system provides broad opportunities to manage business models of these products, namely:
determination of the client profile (client segmentation, job availability, minimum work experience, social status, age, etc.);
requirements for document package (mandatory, optional);
type of lease;
financing term (daily, monthly, annually and others);
financing limits (minimum-maximum amount, total limit, limit with additional approval of the committee, tranche limit, etc.);
determination of interest rate values;
interest accrual regulations (interest accrual base, interest accrual method, other parameters);
interest accrual schedules (opening annuity, closing annuity, accrual on the balance, payment of principal amount at the end of the term, seasonal schedules, special schedules);
commission fee charging regulations (payment now, payment during the loan schedule period in equal parts, other parameters);
setting commission fee values;
setup of security requirements (uncollateralized, collateralized, guarantee, cover ratio, determination of collateral structure — real estate, guarantee, current assets, etc.);
setup of required financial indicators for the borrower (ratio of monthly income to the payment amount, other indicators according to the profit and loss statement or to the balance sheet for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
setup of financial monitoring procedures and policies (frequency, procedure of monitoring manager assignment, etc.)
setup of possible restructuring rules (conversion from one currency to another, prolongation, etc.);
linking loans to the source of financing (availability of targeted financing, the need to calculate passive liabilities and corresponding incomes/expenses on such loans);
overdue regulations (grace days, without grace days, taking into account the public holidays, etc.);
requirements for additional services (SMS notifications, email notifications);
requirements for different types of insurance (life, property, against job loss, etc.);
promotions and promotional activities (payment of interest to trade organizations instead of the client, cash back and others);
setup of chain of application and memorandum approval/confirmation procedures within the existing organizational structure of a leasing company by creating various committees, decision-making boards;
determination and segmentation of clients for the assignment of various loan products.
In such a way, a multidimensional matrix – constructor is formed for each lease product, which provides maximum flexibility for all necessary calculations and charges followed by their automatic display on the accounts in the General Ledger of the organization.
These features provide flexibility of the leasing company's sales strategy and prompt launch of new solutions onto the financial market.